2013년 12월 2일 월요일

About 'auburn university libraries'|Monday Morning Update: Live from the Auburn University Library

About 'auburn university libraries'|Monday Morning Update: Live from the Auburn University Library

Free               summer               activities               in               Auburn               and               Opelika               are               not               difficult               to               find.

While               the               Parks               and               Recreation               departments               offer               many               activities               at               a               low               cost,               there               are               available               free               summer               activities               in               Auburn               and               Opelika.

One               of               my               kids'               favorite               free               summer               activities               in               Auburn               and               Opelika               is               story               time               at               the               public               libraries.

Story               times               at               the               Auburn               Public               Library               are               divided               by               age               groups.

Children               from               eighteen               months               to               three               years               can               attend               story               time               on               Thursday               mornings               from               10-10:15.

Children               ages               three               to               five               years               have               a               longer               story               time               on               Wednesdays               from               10-10:30.

At               Opelika's               public               library,               story               time               for               all               ages               up               to               five               years               old               is               held               on               Thursday               mornings               at               ten               o'clock.

All               of               the               story               times               are               themed               and               provide               children               with               the               reading               of               fun               books               and               a               craft               at               the               end               of               story               time.
               Beginning               May               15th               and               stretching               through               the               summer               until               August               14th,               the               Opelika               Parks               and               Recreation               Department               puts               on               "Summer               Swing               in               the               Park"               each               Tuesday               evening               at               7pm.

Located               in               the               municipal               park               and               featuring               various               styles               of               music               over               a               fourteen               week               period,               this               is               one               of               the               most               extensive               free               summer               activities               in               Auburn               and               Opelika.

The               Opelika               Band               Boosters               provide               dinners               for               a               small               price               and               the               First               American               Bank               of               Opelika               provides               free               lemonade.

Auburn's               Sundown               Concert               series               in               Keisel               Park               is               similar               to               the               Summer               Swing               and               begins               May               10th               at               6pm               and               occurs               for               several               weeks.
               When               we               think               of               summer,               we               think               of               the               Fourth               of               July.

Opelika's               Annual               Freedom               Celebration               is               one               of               its               best               free               summer               activities.

It               begins               at               6:30pm               and               offers               games,               contests,               inflatable               for               the               children,               food               and               mostly               importantly               fun.

The               Annual               Freedom               Celebration               ends               with               a               stellar               fireworks               display.

Auburn               also               had               a               Fourth               of               July               celebration               with               activities               and               fireworks               at               Duck               Samford               Park.
               Another               fun,               free               summer               activity               in               Auburn               and               Opelika               is               the               Fishing               Rodeo,               sponsored               by               the               Auburn               Parks               and               Recreation               Center.

On               July               9th,               children               ages               12               and               under               can               fish               and               win               prizes               for               largest               and               smallest               fish.

There               are               other               fun               activities               planned               for               both               children               and               adults.
               Free               summer               activities               in               Auburn               and               Opelika               are               always               available               at               the               many               parks               in               each               city.

Packing               a               picnic               or               taking               a               walk               on               a               nature               trail               is               both               fun               and               free.

Walking               around               the               Auburn               University               campus               is               a               great               way               to               spend               an               afternoon.

One               thing               I've               learned               while               living               in               the               Auburn-Opelika               community               is               that               there               is               no               shortage               of               things               to               do               in               leisure               time.

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auburn university libraries

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auburn university libraries

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auburn university libraries

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auburn university libraries

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    2013년 12월 1일 일요일

    About 'auburn university volleyball'|Nationals Visits TCU, SMU, Arkansas and Auburn

    About 'auburn university volleyball'|Nationals Visits TCU, SMU, Arkansas and Auburn

                   These               vacant               shells               of               once-lived               lives               are               shadows               of               my               past,               reflections               of               years               traversed               through               the               heart               of               Alabama.

    I               know               these               hills               and               trees,               and               clapboard               houses               falling               down.

    What               the               creeping               passage               of               time               does               not               consume,               the               rush               of               years               will.

    And               what               the               rush               of               years               does               not               consume,               the               harsh               heat               of               days               will.

    And               what               the               harsh               heat               of               days               does               not               consume,               Kudzu               will.

    Until,               the               downward               flowing               years               of               humanity               are               shadows,               and               shadows               of               shadows:               a               rusty               mailbox               with               a               bent               flag,               and               five               black               men               gathered               around               the               stools               of               an               old               service               station.

    Were               they               twelve,               they               could               be               the               disciples               with               Jesus               in               the               middle-or               maybe               the               Pharisees               plotting               to               kill               Jesus,               or               maybe               the               left-behind               crowds               who               said,               "What               just               happened?

    Was               that               not               the               Son               of               Jesse?",               or               the               Roman               guards               that               said,               "Truly               this               was               the               son               of               God."
                   Trees               lean               over               the               two-lane               road               called               Eighty-two:               pine               and               oak,               and               here               and               there               the               changing               elm.

    Most               remain               untouched               by               the               early               days               of               southern               autumn.

    It               is               October               and               I               wish               it               would               rain               cold               down               on               me.

    Behind               me               lies               two               days               in               Opelika,               and               a               year.

    Ahead               lies               a               day               in               Tuscaloosa-a               day               and               a               year,               and               two.

    Eighteen               years               ago,               I               drove               this               uncertain               path               on               a               day               not               unlike               this-warmer,               less               cloudy,               but               equally               filled               with               the               expectation               of               something               I               could               only               imagine               but               longed               for               nonetheless.
                   This               is               me:               I               am               young-as               the               miles               wash               away               the               years               of               travel-a               shower               of               recollection               on               the               train               of               memory.

    Next               stop,               college!

    Students               played               on               the               quad               as               I               slowly               drove               down               University               Blvd.

    There               was               a               volleyball               game;               I               wished               to               play.

    There               was               Denny               Chimes;               I               wanted               to               ring               out               as               well-the               caller               of               times               present               and               past,               "All               is               well!

    All               is               well!",               and               "Peace.

                   And               then               there               was               November.

    I               drove               home               to               vote               in               the               1992               elections               and               back               in               a               day.

    Tara,               Heather,               Brett,               Dan,               Allen,               and               Chris               waited               back               in               Freidman               (and               the               matching               girls               dorm).

    The               cold               chill               of               November               rain               gnawed               through               jeans               and               a               paint-stained               canvas               barn               jacket.

    I               hated               leaving.

    I               hated               in-between               road.
                   Then               there               was               the               female               twin,               whose               name               I               forget.

    Dark               headed,               and               bright               eyed.

    I               didn't               really               know               her.

    No,               but               she               was               the               one               who               laughed               one               night               at               a               Southbound               concert,               smiled,               and               hugged               me               goodbye               for               the               summer.

    And,               goodbye               forever!

    She               died               backing               out               of               her               driveway.

    Died,               with               a               hug               and               a               smile               as               a               goodbye...and               now               even               her               name               is               lost.
                   Memory               is               like               Old               Testament               prophesies.

    There               is               a               shortening               when               looking               backward               as               well               as               forward.

    The               music               always               plays               double-time.

    The               tangled               threads               of               particular               commonality               intertwine,               confusticate,               and               then               are               gone.
                   I               remember...walking               from               Freidman               to               a               dorm               across               campus               on               a               Saturday               for               lunch,               to               eat-hopefully-with               someone               I               knew.

                   I               remember...pool               in               the               game               room               off               the               Ferguson               center.

    Heidi               and               Camille               were               there.

                   I               remember...sitting               in               my               room               during               one               home               game,               listening               out               the               window               to               the               sounds               of               pre-football               ringing               crisp               on               the               cool               September               air.

                   I               remember...the               somber               boy-knight               who               stands               guard               over               the               large               study               hall               in               Amelia.

                   I               remember               ...jumping               off               of               the               cliffs               that               first               weekend               in               town,               after               standing               scared               for               so               very               long.
                   I               remember.

    I               remember               and               I               forget.

    Shake               the               snow-ball.

    Watch               the               world               spin.

    Chaos               rages               all               around,               while               Reindeer-or               Santa,               or               the               Eifel               Tower-remain               frozen               in               place.

    In               my               ball,               I               stand               frozen               amidst               the               swirl               of               memories.

    Snatch               one               out               of               the               air-like               a               furtive               lightening               bug-then               let               it               go               just               as               fast,               before               the               light               goes               out.

    A               flake               in               the               hand               is               worth               nothing               compared               to               the               brilliance               of               the               thousand               that               fly               past.
                   Just               before               entering               Chilton               County,               a               white               crumbling               lean-too               says,               "The               horn               of               plenty."               There               is               plenty               enough               in               the               old               roads               and               hidden               minds               of               humanity               to               make               the               world               weep               a               billion               years               and               laugh               even               longer,               harder.

    For               what:               the               past?

    The               past               is               a               fun               place               to               visit.

    But               longing               after               all               is               just               longing,               and               the               promise               of               presence               is               a               power               not               easily               overcome.

    No,               I               don't               want               to               be               back               here-alone,               insecure,               struggling,               afraid,               more               sad               than               cheered,               and               regularly               melancholic.
                   Yes,               the               past               is               a               great               place               to               visit,               but               I               would               never               choose               to               live               there.
                   Well-at               least               not               often.
                   Joel               Hathaway               lives               in               St.

    Louis,               MO.

    He               holds               a               BA               in               English               Literature               with               minor               emphases               in               Art               and               Creative               Writing.

    He               lives               online               at               www.joelhathaway.com.

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      ...Montez Billings – Wide Receiver for Auburn University and later the New Orleans.... Whitney Billings – Volleyball player – University of Kentucky – All SEC...
    6. hujanbuih.blogspot.com/   07/09/2012
      ...variety of organized sports leagues in volleyball, football, basketball, rugby, and lacrosse. Auburn University, in Tuskegee. Alabama, one of the facts about alabama can you...
    7. faughnblog.blogspot.com/   11/08/2008
      .... I guess they don't care about supporting the baseball, volleyball or track teams. 8. University of Louisville Cardinals This program continues to move...
    8. bradbrandt.blogspot.com/   09/23/2013
      ...Sunday. We went to the Lipscomb University womens volleyball game against Kentucky on Saturday. It... home and watched Auburn lose to LSU. Also, yesterday, the ...
    9. alauchter.blogspot.com/   01/21/2013
      ...some nice flowers and have a good way to begin your search for quality coverage. Auburn University, in the alabama smith will is called driving under the alabama smith...
    10. alauchter.blogspot.com/   12/18/2012
      ... then focus on Studio Art and Design, as are Samford University and Auburn University. Alabama students can concentrate in ceramics, drawing, graphic...

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