2013년 11월 28일 목요일

About 'auburn university baby clothes'|Miss Us

About 'auburn university baby clothes'|Miss Us

For               thousands               of               years               an               evil               has               been               unleashed               on               mankind.

A               monster               that               is               so               evil,               so               full               of               rage               that               no               matter               what               it               does,               it               is               inevitable.

Werewolves               are               known               around               the               world               as               being               a               myth,               but               to               the               human               race               it               is               reality.

The               year               was               nineteen               hundred               and               thirty-seven               and               the               city               of               London               was               in               shock               after               the               untimely               demise               of               yet               again               another               soul.

Five               victims               in               three               months,               but               the               way               these               poor               souls               were               murdered               is               pure,               unadulterated               evil.
               Sophia               Reghetti,               a               twenty-year               old               college               student               was               born               in               1917               to               a               family               who               made               their               living               as               hunters.

Her               father               started               at               a               young               age               teaching               her               everything               she               needed               to               know               to               survive.

Sophia               is               a               shy               girl               but               very               honorable.

She               carried               herself               well               mannered.

She               is               a               petite               woman               with               long,               black               hair               that               comes               down               to               the               middle               of               her               back.
               Sophia               and               her               fiancé               had               just               walked               out               of               the               local               theater,               when               the               sky               had               begun               to               unfold               and               rain               started               to               come               down.

They               rushed               into               a               nearby               alley               for               some               shelter               from               the               rain               when               Sophia               heard               noises               in               the               back               of               the               alley.

All               of               a               sudden               this               beast               had               catapulted               down               from               the               structure               and               snatched               Ted               by               the               throat               ripping               his               gorge               apart               leaving               his               body               lifeless.
               Sophia               acted               quickly               and               tried               to               run               but               the               monster               had               the               exits               blocked.

She               knew               that               there               was               only               one               thing               left               to               do.

So,               Sophia               pulled               a               knife               from               the               inside               of               her               boot.

She               leaped               at               the               beast               swinging               the               dagger               back               and               forth,               trying               to               hit               the               hideous               monster.

She               finally               stabbed               the               creature               twice.

Stunning               the               beast               once               in               the               stomach               and               once               in               the               neck,               but               not               before               Sophia's               life               was               changed               forever.

The               monster               had               put               a               gash               in               her               right               arm               leaving               her               scarred               for               all               of               eternity.
               As               the               beast               lay               on               the               ground               something               began               to               happen.

The               monster               had               started               to               transform               back               into               its               human               form.

Sophia               stood               there               motionless               watching               the               event               take               place.

The               werewolf               was               woman               who               was               turned               into               one               some               many               years               ago.

She               was               a               beautiful               woman               and               with               her               last               breath               she               said,               don't               let               it               end               this               way.

Within               moments               the               woman               was               gone.

For               some               reason               Sophia               had               tears               running               down               her               face.

Sophia               realized               that               her               destiny               would               now               lead               her               in               a               different               direction,               down               a               dark               path               that               she               had               feared               for               many               years.

She               finally               left               the               alley               and               her               fiancé               knowing               that               she               would               never               be               the               same               and               her               heart               would               never               heal               from               the               death               of               her               lover.

Sophia               Reghetti               was               never               heard               from               again.
               Chapter               One
               The               year               was               2007               and               it               was               a               beautiful,               crisp,               October               morning.

As               the               bells               of               the               church               began               to               ring               Sarah               turned               over               and               gazed               at               the               alarm               clock.

Sarah               was               up               late               the               night               before               studying               for               her               math               test               and               did               not               want               to               get               out               of               bed.

This               was               Sarah's               first               year               in               college               and               she               was               as               nervous               as               anyone               could               be.

The               University               she               chose               to               attend               after               many               months               of               decision               making               was               the               University               of               Cincinnati,               which               is               located               on               the               west               side               of               Cincinnati.

Sarah               slowly               rolled               out               of               bed               to               gather               her               clothes               and               rushed               to               take               a               bath.
               Sarah's               an               eighteen-year               old               student,               very               beautiful               and               intelligent.

She               has               long               Auburn               hair,               blue               eyes,               with               an               olive               complexion.

The               only               person               she               knew               at               the               university               was               her               boyfriend               Mitch.

Mitch               and               Sarah               had               gone               to               the               same               high               school               back               in               Maine.

When               her               parents               found               out               that               she               was               accepted               by               the               university               they               thought               it               would               be               a               good               idea               to               move               and               start               a               new               life.
               The               one               thing               that               made               Sarah               feel               strange               was               a               mark               directly               below               her               navel.

Every               morning               Sarah               would               stand               in               front               of               the               mirror               just               gazing               at               it.

Wondering               how               she               got,               when               she               got               it,               and               what               the               mark               symbolized.

Sarah               felt               uncomfortable               with               her               life               because               there               were               so               many               things               of               her               life               she               could               not               remember.

The               mark               was               described               as               a               picture               of               a               dagger               that               was               supposed               to               be               made               from               pure               silver.
               Sarah               finally               finished               in               the               bathroom               when               she               found               her               way               into               the               bedroom.

She               could               not               figure               out               why               she               was               so               tired               all               of               the               time.

Sarah's               head               began               to               hurt               and               the               room               started               to               spin.

I               feel               really               dizzy,               thought               Sarah.

So,               she               sat               down               on               the               bed               and               rested               her               head               on               the               pillow               beside               her.

She               closed               her               eyes               and               the               strangest               thing               occurred.

The               things               she               saw               could               not               be               explained.

Sarah               saw               a               man,               a               younger               man               running               through               the               woods               with               blood               flowing               from               his               forehead.

The               next               thing               she               saw               was               the               gentleman               hitting               the               ground.

It               was               so               upsetting               that               when               she               opened               her               eyes               she               had               tears               cascading               down               her               face.
               Sarah               snatched               a               tissue               to               wipe               her               eyes               and               resumed               getting               dressed.

She               perceived               a               loud               thumping               at               the               door.

She               yelled               who               is               it?

It's               Mitch,               open               the               door.

I'll               be               right               there               Mitch.

Sarah               opened               the               door               and               Mitch               was               standing               there               with               a               smile,               but               his               facial               expressions               would               soon               change.

Oh               my               God!

Are               you               ok               Sarah?

Yes,               I               will               be               fine               Mitch.

I               just               had               a               bad               dream.

Come               on               in               Mitch,               I               just               made               a               pot               of               fresh               coffee.

Would               you               like               some               before               we               have               to               go,               said               Sarah.

I               would               love               to               have               a               cup               of               coffee               Sarah.

To               be               honest               with               you               Mitch,               I               feel               like               I               am               lost.

Mitch               walked               over               to               the               kitchen               and               reached               up               in               the               cabinet               to               grab               a               cup.

What               do               you               mean               you               feel               lost,               said               Mitch.

It               is               hard               to               explain               because               I               am               not               sure               what               the               hell               is               going               on.

Mitch               finished               pouring               his               cup               of               coffee               and               proceeded               to               the               kitchen               table               where               he               would               relax               and               try               to               understand               what               Sarah               was               going               through.

Sarah,               if               you               feel               like               you               are               lost,               then               there               must               be               something               you               can               do               to               help               you               stop               feeling               that               way.

There               are               times               when               I               can               remember               the               majority               of               my               life               but               it               seems               that               the               other               half               of               my               life               did               not               exist.

How               long               have               you               been               feeling               this               way,               said               Mitch.

I               feel               like               this               every               day               of               my               life.

There               are               things               that               I               don't               understand               and               no               one               that               can               help               me.

Sarah,               you               know               that               I               will               always               be               here               for               you               no               matter               what.

I               know               Mitch               and               I               will               always               come               to               you               if               I               need               to               talk               to               anyone               Mitch.

This               coffee               is               what               I               needed               to               start               my               day,               replied               Mitch.

It               has               been               a               long               time               since               I               have               had               coffee               that               tasted               this               good.

Oh,               Mitch               you               are               just               being               nice,               said               Sarah.

No,               I               am               telling               the               truth,               this               is               really               good.
               Mitch               and               Sarah               had               practically               grown               up               together               and               had               become               very               close               friends               and               eventually               found               themselves               in               each               other's               arms               as               they               became               older.

Sarah               was               weary               about               making               the               move               to               Cincinnati,               because               she               had               lived               her               whole               life               in               Maine.

She               was               so               used               to               the               things               in               her               home               town.

She               was               not               sure               if               she               would               even               like               it               in               Cincinnati.

Her               parents               had               told               Sarah               that               it               was               up               to               her               if               she               wanted               to               accept               the               invitation               to               the               University.

Sarah               soon               realized               that               moving               to               another               city,               especially               a               metropolitan               city               might               be               even               better.

Mitch               had               already               voiced               his               opinion               that               he               thought               she               should               move               because               there               would               be               more               opportunities               for               a               better               life.

Mitch               had               decided               that               he               was               going,               but               he               wanted               Sarah               to               be               by               his               side.

He               was               in               Love               with               Sarah               and               she               was               in               Love               with               him.

Mitch               would               do               anything               to               make               Sarah               happy.
               Mitch               had               finished               his               coffee               and               looked               up               at               Sarah               and               said,               well,               I               am               ready               to               whenever               you               are               baby.

That's               weird,               said               Sarah.

What               do               you               mean               Sarah,               replied               Mitch.

You               have               never               called               me               baby               before.

I               know               and               I               am               sorry.

My               feelings               for               you               have               never               been               this               strong.

We               have               known               each               other               for               so               many               years               and               as               the               years               went               by               I               realized               that               you               are               the               woman               that               I               want               to               spend               the               rest               of               my               life               with.

You               are               everything               to               me               Sarah.

You               are               the               air               that               I               breathe;               you               are               the               sun               that               shines               in               my               eyes.

I               am               hoping               that               you               feel               the               same               way               baby.

Mitch,               there               is               not               enough               words               in               this               world               to               describe               how               I               feel               about               you.

I               am               so               glad               you               told               me               how               you               feel.

I               believe               that               we               need               to               talk               more               and               tell               each               other               our               feelings.

The               only               thing               that               I               ask               is               that               you               are               honest               with               me               and               you               tell               me               how               you               feel               and               don't               hold               anything               in.

Baby,               I               will               do               whatever               you               want               me               to               do.

I               love               you               and               there               is               nothing               going               to               change               that.

I               really               hate               to               cut               this               conversation               short,               but               I               believe               we               have               to               get               to               class               before               they               lock               the               doors               on               us.

I               think               you               are               right,               Mitch.

So,               do               you               have               all               of               your               things               together?

Yes,               Sarah,               I               have               everything.

Do               you               want               me               to               lock               the               door,               said               Mitch?

Yes,               make               sure               the               door               is               locked.

We               have               had               some               issues               with               apartments               being               broken               into               lately,               replied               Sarah.
               As               they               were               leaving               the               apartment               building,               Sarah               noticed               an               old               man               watching               them               from               across               the               street.

Sarah               only               paid               attention               to               the               old               man               because               of               the               patch               on               his               right               eye,               and               the               fact               he               was               walking               with               a               cane.

Mitch               felt               a               slight               difference               in               the               way               Sarah               was               behaving.

He               knew               there               was               more               to               what               she               told               heirs               from               him               earlier               than               what               she               made               out               to               be.

Mitch               was               beginning               to               worry               about               Sarah,               but               did               not               want               to               push               the               issue.

So,               Mitch               just               kept               quiet               and               began               to               think               of               something               else               to               talk               about.

Sarah,               how               are               you               doing               in               your               classes?

Well,               I               guess               I               am               doing               ok,               replied               Sarah.

There               are               a               couple               of               classes               that               I               am               having               trouble               with,               but               I               believe               I               can               get               some               help               with               them.
               Mitch               and               Sarah               finally               made               it               to               campus,               when               Mitch               lost               control               of               his               books.

He               tried               to               grab               them               as               they               were               hitting               the               ground               but               it               was               too               late.

Mitch               bent               down               to               pick               them               up               when               he               noticed               a               girl               over               in               the               corner               just               watching               us.

How               do               you               know               that               she               is               watching               us,               said               Sarah.

I               just               know,               ok.

I               wonder               why               she               is               watching               us,               said               Sarah.

I               don't               know               but               it               is               beginning               to               send               chills               up               my               spine,               replied               Mitch.

Mitch               finished               picking               his               books               up               off               the               ground               and               began               to               walk               towards               the               doors.
               Hey,               guys               wait               up.

Mitch               and               Sarah               both               stopped               and               turned               around               to               see               who               was               yelling.

Smiles               came               to               both               of               their               faces               when               they               found               out               who               it               was.

The               voice               was               a               friend               of               theirs               from               their               childhood.

Sarah               can               you               believe               who               that               is,               said               Mitch?

I               have               not               seen               him               in               a               very               long               time,               replied               Sarah.

Thomas,               I               can't               believe               it               is               you,               yelled               Mitch.

We               thought               you               dropped               off               the               planet.

No,               I               just               switched               schools,               replied               Thomas.

It               is               so               good               to               see               you               again,               said               Sarah.

Sarah               reached               out               and               gave               Thomas               a               huge               hug               and               almost               squeezed               the               life               out               of               him.

Now,               Thomas,               Mitch,               and               Sarah               all               grew               up               together               in               the               small               town               in               Maine.

They               were               like               the               three               musketeers.

You               never               did               see               them               apart               from               one               another.

That               is               until               the               day               Thomas               disappeared.

No               one               understood               why               or               even               the               method               behind               it.

The               whole               disappearing               act               was               such               a               secret               and               Mitch               and               Sarah               thought               that               Thomas               had               gone               into               witness               protection.
               So,               Thomas               what               happened               to               you,               asked               Mitch.

I               ran               into               some               trouble               and               had               to               go               to               a               different               school.

What               was               the               trouble,               asked               Sarah.

Thomas               did               not               want               to               tell               them               the               truth,               so               he               made               up               a               story               that               would               be               suffice               for               now.

There               are               some               things               that               Mitch               and               Sarah               don't               know               about               Thomas.

When               Thomas               was               16               he               was               walking               home               from               the               store               late               at               night.

Thomas               knew               that               it               was               bad               to               go               anywhere               at               night               but               his               mom               needed               her               medicine.

His               mom               was               suffering               from               brain               cancer               and               was               only               supposed               to               live               for               six               months               and               it               had               only               been               three               and               she               was               getting               worse               by               the               day.

It               turned               out               that               she               died               three               months               after               the               diagnosis.

As               Thomas               was               walking               home               he               decided               to               take               a               short               cut               through               the               woods               because               it               was               supposedly               faster.

He               kept               hearing               strange               noises               throughout               the               area.

He               could               feel               someone               watching               him               as               if               there               was               someone               behind               him.

So,               he               slowly               turns               around               and               what               he               saw               he               could               not               fathom.

Before               he               could               get               a               good               look               he               was               attacked.

In               minutes               he               was               on               the               ground               with               some               creature               on               top               of               him.

He               had               no               idea               what               it               was               or               where               it               even               came               from.

Thomas               was               beginning               to               hurt               from               where               the               creature               has               slashed               gashes               in               his               arms               and               throughout               his               body.

Before               the               creature               could               do               anymore               harm,               there               was               a               light               that               had               started               to               shine               in               the               creature's               eyes.

The               creature               got               up               and               started               to               run               away.

Thomas's               dad               with               his               mom               being               sick               they               thought               it               would               be               a               good               idea               to               move               far               away               to               keep               Thomas               safe.

No               one               would               ever               believe               Thomas               or               his               father               if               they               every               told.
               Are               you               two               in               a               hurry               to               go               somewhere,               said               Thomas?

We               are               on               our               way               to               class               before               we               are               late,               replied               Sarah.

It               was               great               seeing               you               again,               said               Thomas.

We               have               to               make               sure               that               we               don't               go               another               ten               years               before               we               see               each               other               again,               replied               Mitch.

We               are               going               to               have               to               get               together               some               time               and               talk               about               old               times,               said               Sarah.

We               will               definitely               do               that,               replied               Thomas.
               As               they               were               leaving,               the               girl               in               the               corner               just               kept               watching               them.

Now               she               was               more               keened               in               on               Thomas               than               of               the               others.

Sophia               Reghetti               was               the               young               lady's               name               that               had               been               watching               them               from               a               distance.

She               was               a               quiet               girl               who               always               kept               to               herself.

No               one               knew               anything               about               her.

They               had               no               idea               where               she               came               from,               where               she               lives               or               anything               at               all.

Sophia               led               a               secret               life               that               on               one               knew               anything               about,               and               eventually               Sophia               had               walked               away               with               an               evil               smile               on               her               face.
               Sarah               had               finally               made               it               to               class               and               was               able               to               sit               down               and               relax.

She               was               so               tired               that               she               could               not               keep               her               eyes               open.

While               she               was               sitting               in               her               class,               she               turned               her               head               away               to               look               out               the               window               at               the               beautiful               sky.

She               noticed               an               old               man               watching               her.

She               wasn't               for               sure               who               it               was.

Then,               she               finally               realized               who               it               was.

He               was               the               old               man               that               was               across               the               street               from               her               building,               cold               chills               ran               up               here               spine.
               After               class               Sarah               was               walking               across               campus               when               her               head               started               to               spin               again.

Suddenly,               she               saw               a               flash               of               light.

In               her               mind               there               appeared               to               be               a               young               couple               engaged               in               sexual               intercourse.

Sarah               could               not               see               any               faces,               but               what               happened               next               frightened               the               hell               out               of               her.

One               of               the               individuals               she               saw               had               transformed               into               some               form               of               creature.
               I               have               to               get               home               right               away,               thought               Sarah.

She               was               unsure               what               just               happened,               but               in               her               heart               she               knew               that               it               in               her               heart               she               knew               that               it               was               the               future               she               was               seeing.

Sarah               rushed               home,               so               she               can               make               sense               of               what               was               going               on.
               AND               THE               ADVENTURE               CONTINUES.

Image of auburn university baby clothes

auburn university baby clothes
auburn university baby clothes

auburn university baby clothes Image 1

auburn university baby clothes
auburn university baby clothes

auburn university baby clothes Image 2

auburn university baby clothes
auburn university baby clothes

auburn university baby clothes Image 3

auburn university baby clothes
auburn university baby clothes

auburn university baby clothes Image 4

auburn university baby clothes
auburn university baby clothes

auburn university baby clothes Image 5

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