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2013년 11월 25일 월요일

About 'auburn university football news'|Friday: Alabama, Auburn, Florida - Pre-season football stuff

About 'auburn university football news'|Friday: Alabama, Auburn, Florida - Pre-season football stuff

Cam               Newton,               the               standout               quarterback               for               the               #2               (BCS               Standings)               team               in               the               nation,               Auburn               University,               and               at               least               one               person               Newton               is               associated               with,               a               recruiting               agent               by               the               name               of               Kenny               Rogers,               are               currently               under               investigation               by               the               NCAA               for               possible               recruiting               violations.

Cam               Newton               made               headlines               again,               most               notably               on               ESPN,               for               reasons               other               than               his               prowess               on               the               football               field               Thursday               when               news               of               the               NCAA               investigation               went               public.

Some               are               asking               why,               in               the               middle               of               an               investigation               into               his               eligibility,               he               has               not               been               benched.

There               are               several               reasons,               foremost               of               which               is               that               there               have               been               no               charges               filed               against               Newton               or               anyone               connected               to               the               scandal.


But               that               "yet"               is               a               qualifier               that               includes               hard               evidence               that               would               tie               Cam               Newton               to               any               wrongdoing               in               the               matter.

Although               Newton               himself               has               remained               silent               about               the               NCAA               investigation,               his               father               told               ESPN               earlier               this               week               that               no               improprieties               had               occurred               and               if               Kenny               Rogers               had               solicited               funds               in               exchange               for               Cam               Newton's               letter               of               intent,               he               had               done               so               without               the               knowledge               or               approval               of               Cam               and               his               family.
               Cecil               Newton,               a               bishop               in               Newnan,               Georgia,               told               ESPN               that               he               had               been               contacted               by               the               NCAA               and               had               voluntarily               turned               over               bank               statements               and               church               records               to               the               investigation.
               Auburn               coach               Gene               Chizik               noted               Thursday               evening               that               he               couldn't               comment               on               the               NCAA               investigation.

"But               here's               what               I               can,"               he               continued,               "and               I               will               this               say               very               loud               and               very               clear:               Cameron               Newton               is               eligible               at               Auburn               University,               period.

End               of               story."
               But               it               isn't               the               end               of               the               story.

Just               because               the               NCAA               hasn't               accused               Cam               Newton               --               or               anyone               connected               to               the               investigation               --               does               not               mean               that               they               will               not.

The               converse               is               also               true.
               The               Bleacher               Report               also               notes               that               another               thing               in               Newton's               favor               is               that               the               actual               investigation               has               been               going               on               since               July.

It               has               also               been               reported               that               Auburn               University               conducted               its               own               investigation               into               the               matter               and               found               nothing               amiss.
               The               investigation               stems               from               allegations               by               a               former               Mississippi               State               quarterback,               John               Bond,               who               informed               that               school's               athletic               department               in               December               2009               that               a               former               teammate               (Kenny               Rogers)               had               contacted               him               and               told               him               that               Cam               Newton               would               be               willing               to               play               football               for               Mississippi               State               --               for               a               price.

Bond               alleged               that               Rogers               said               he               was               receiving               offers               of               $200,000,               but               would               consider               $180,000               because               Cam               was               interested               in               attending               MSU.
               The               Bleacher               Report               also               notes               that               Auburn               has               come               out               strongly               against               the               allegations,               especially               those               centering               around               Newton's               involvement.

They               posit               that               Auburn's               strong               support,               backed               by               Coach               Gene               Chizik,               is               a               good               indicator               that               there               is               no               evidence               linking               Auburn               and               Cam               Newton               to               any               wrongdoing.
               But               that               does               not               necessarily               mean               that               Auburn               and               Newton               have               not               been               complicit               in               a               recruiting               violation.

Guilty               parties               as               well               as               innocent               fight               their               accusers,               most               of               the               time               simply               hoping               to               be               taken               at               their               word,               hoping               that               the               evidence               that               ties               them               to               improprieties               is               never               found.
               But               why               hasn't               Cam               Newton               been               benched?

The               University               of               North               Carolina               benched               and               suspended               over               a               dozen               players               at               the               beginning               of               the               2010               football               season               when               an               NCAA               investigation               began               looking               into               allegations               of               recruiting               violations.
               But               North               Carolina               didn't               have               a               high-profile               ballplayer               that               has               been               in               the               national               spotlight               for               the               past               several               weeks.

Newton               is               in               the               running               for               the               Heisman               Trophy,               the               NCAA's               highest               honor.

Benching               him               would               not               only               carry               with               it               the               shades               of               possible               culpability               but               hurt               Newton's               chances               at               winning               the               award               by               impacting               his               individual               playing               statistics.

Without               evidence               and               with               the               ability               to               don               the               cloak               of               plausible               deniability               (and/or               innocence),               Auburn               has               chosen               not               to               bench               their               star               player               while               the               investigation               continues.
               And               as               long               as               their               is               no               evidence               linking               Cam               Newton               to               any               recruiting               improprieties,               there               is               no               real               reason               for               Auburn               to               not               let               him               play.
               "Cash               sought               for               Cam               Newton,"               ESPN.go.com
               "Cam               Newton               NCAA               Investigation:               5               Reason               To               Believe               Gene               Chizik,"               BleacherReport.com

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