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레이블이 Auburn University the Village Dorms인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 29일 금요일

About 'auburn university dorms'|...I agreed and we set up our first rehearsal, which would take place in Philip’s dorm room. It occurred to me as I schlepped over there that I had never...

About 'auburn university dorms'|...I agreed and we set up our first rehearsal, which would take place in Philip’s dorm room. It occurred to me as I schlepped over there that I had never...

What               would               the               autumn               be               like               if               it               were               not               for               college               football?

State               colleges               with               colorful               names               are               plastered               across               the               news               screen               or               become               food               for               light               but               intense               discussion               in               pool               halls               or               college               dorms               across               the               nation.

College               football               stands               practically               as               an               American               institution-               equally               an               institution               filled               with               controversy.

Let's               look               at               my               top               NCAA               football               debates               or               controversies.

Head               Concussion               Safety
               I               list               head               concussion               safety               first               as               it               is               probably               the               least               controversial               because,               well,               the               sport               is               American               football               and               heads               do               collide.

The               average               professional               football               player               has               probably               been               colliding               heads               since               little               league.

However,               very               seriously               though,               according               the               Concussion               Blog,               the               NCAA               has               no               mandated               requirements               in               reporting               injuries               (Nov.

15,               2011).

In               fact,               many               former               college               football               players               sustain               not               only               career               ending               injuries,               but               ones               that               remain               for               the               rest               of               their               life.

In               fact,               there               is               a               College               Football               Assistance               Fund               dedicated               for               former               college               football               players               in               need               (cfafund.org)
               Bowl               Championship               Series               vs.

Playoff               System
               Another               hot               contention               is               the               fact               that               NCAA               Division               1-A               football               does               not               cap               its               season               with               a               playoff               system               that               would               determine               a               champion.

Rather               what               takes               place               is               that               a               system               of               polls               combined               with               various               computer               formulas               determines               the               top-two               teams               in               the               country.

These               teams               then               face               off               in               a               major               championship               bowl               game               to               decide               the               eventual               champion.

Many               have               long               felt               that               this               system               lacks               a               measure               of               excitement               that               would               be               generated               by               similar               post-season               tournaments               in               other               college               sports.

Plus,               the               true               champions               should               be               determined               on               the               field.

Unfortunately,               those               for               the               status               quo               cite               tradition               and               the               greater               on               the               regular               season               that               comes               from               the               lack               of               a               playoff               season.
               Shady               Recruitment               and               Corruption
               Auburn               University               was               recently               mired               in               big               time               college               corruption.

There               were               several               NCAA               investigations               for               shady               recruitment               and               a               situation               where               two               former               players               killed.

Several               players               were               involved               in               serious               crimes               and               a               coach               fired               and               paid               off               for               $7.5               million.

There               were               also               allegations               to               players               being               paid               cash               to               play               and               promises               of               grade               changes.

("Auburn               Football               Scandal",               Hayes,               April               5,               2013)
               College               Athletes               Should               be               Paid?

This               hot               topic               is               a               perennial               one.

Since               these               young               bodies               take               constant               punishment,               mostly               at               their               personal               cost,               some               feel               that               that               college               athletes               should               be               paid.

Plus,               the               lack               of               paying               student-athletes               invites               graft               and               corruption               as               some               football               players               are               held               up               as               gods               but               might               personally               be               quite               impoverished.

However,               most               university               administrators               feel               that               these               athletes               are               students               first.

Those               athletes               who               are               fortunate               enough               to               receive               a               scholarship               are               receiving               a               greater               value               in               return               for               their               service               to               the               university.

There               is               also               a               question               if               college               athletes               were               to               get               paid,               what               about               those               sports               which               would               never               be               paid               like               women               sports               programs?

If               colleges               had               to               pay               each               of               their               athletes,               that               situation               could               become               cost               prohibitive.

Furthermore,               what               if               colleges               in               the               same               division               had               some               schools               that               paid               their               athletes               and               others               didn't?

That               would               be               quite               an               imbalance.

Some               feel               that               a               healthy               medium               might               be               a               small               signing               bonus               to               exceptional               athletes               and               greater               freedom               for               students               to               profit               from               their               labor               such               as               product               endorsements.
               Should               College               Football               be               Banned?
               This               is               probably               the               most               controversial               topic.

There               have               been               very               substantial               debates               of               eliminating               college               football               from               universities.

The               reasons               tend               to               hinge               on               health               issues,               corruption,               and               academic               relevancy.

While               there               doesn't               exist               a               serious               effort               for               universities               across               the               nation               to               eliminate               their               football               programs,               it               is               often               speculated               as               to               what               influence               or               lack               thereof               that               football               program               have               on               institutions               of               higher               learning.

Where               there               is               little               debate               is               that               universities               with               winning               football               teams               are               better               known.

This               can               lead               to               better               non-public               based               funding,               higher               number               of               applicants,               stronger               alumni               contributors.

For               the               near               future,               college               football               is               here               to               study.

It               is               a               unique               American               tradition               of               social               solidarity,               even               in               a               country               has               a               long               history               of               being               divided.

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