2013년 11월 29일 금요일

About 'auburn university dorms'|...I agreed and we set up our first rehearsal, which would take place in Philip’s dorm room. It occurred to me as I schlepped over there that I had never...

About 'auburn university dorms'|...I agreed and we set up our first rehearsal, which would take place in Philip’s dorm room. It occurred to me as I schlepped over there that I had never...

What               would               the               autumn               be               like               if               it               were               not               for               college               football?

State               colleges               with               colorful               names               are               plastered               across               the               news               screen               or               become               food               for               light               but               intense               discussion               in               pool               halls               or               college               dorms               across               the               nation.

College               football               stands               practically               as               an               American               institution-               equally               an               institution               filled               with               controversy.

Let's               look               at               my               top               NCAA               football               debates               or               controversies.

Head               Concussion               Safety
               I               list               head               concussion               safety               first               as               it               is               probably               the               least               controversial               because,               well,               the               sport               is               American               football               and               heads               do               collide.

The               average               professional               football               player               has               probably               been               colliding               heads               since               little               league.

However,               very               seriously               though,               according               the               Concussion               Blog,               the               NCAA               has               no               mandated               requirements               in               reporting               injuries               (Nov.

15,               2011).

In               fact,               many               former               college               football               players               sustain               not               only               career               ending               injuries,               but               ones               that               remain               for               the               rest               of               their               life.

In               fact,               there               is               a               College               Football               Assistance               Fund               dedicated               for               former               college               football               players               in               need               (cfafund.org)
               Bowl               Championship               Series               vs.

Playoff               System
               Another               hot               contention               is               the               fact               that               NCAA               Division               1-A               football               does               not               cap               its               season               with               a               playoff               system               that               would               determine               a               champion.

Rather               what               takes               place               is               that               a               system               of               polls               combined               with               various               computer               formulas               determines               the               top-two               teams               in               the               country.

These               teams               then               face               off               in               a               major               championship               bowl               game               to               decide               the               eventual               champion.

Many               have               long               felt               that               this               system               lacks               a               measure               of               excitement               that               would               be               generated               by               similar               post-season               tournaments               in               other               college               sports.

Plus,               the               true               champions               should               be               determined               on               the               field.

Unfortunately,               those               for               the               status               quo               cite               tradition               and               the               greater               on               the               regular               season               that               comes               from               the               lack               of               a               playoff               season.
               Shady               Recruitment               and               Corruption
               Auburn               University               was               recently               mired               in               big               time               college               corruption.

There               were               several               NCAA               investigations               for               shady               recruitment               and               a               situation               where               two               former               players               killed.

Several               players               were               involved               in               serious               crimes               and               a               coach               fired               and               paid               off               for               $7.5               million.

There               were               also               allegations               to               players               being               paid               cash               to               play               and               promises               of               grade               changes.

("Auburn               Football               Scandal",               Hayes,               April               5,               2013)
               College               Athletes               Should               be               Paid?

This               hot               topic               is               a               perennial               one.

Since               these               young               bodies               take               constant               punishment,               mostly               at               their               personal               cost,               some               feel               that               that               college               athletes               should               be               paid.

Plus,               the               lack               of               paying               student-athletes               invites               graft               and               corruption               as               some               football               players               are               held               up               as               gods               but               might               personally               be               quite               impoverished.

However,               most               university               administrators               feel               that               these               athletes               are               students               first.

Those               athletes               who               are               fortunate               enough               to               receive               a               scholarship               are               receiving               a               greater               value               in               return               for               their               service               to               the               university.

There               is               also               a               question               if               college               athletes               were               to               get               paid,               what               about               those               sports               which               would               never               be               paid               like               women               sports               programs?

If               colleges               had               to               pay               each               of               their               athletes,               that               situation               could               become               cost               prohibitive.

Furthermore,               what               if               colleges               in               the               same               division               had               some               schools               that               paid               their               athletes               and               others               didn't?

That               would               be               quite               an               imbalance.

Some               feel               that               a               healthy               medium               might               be               a               small               signing               bonus               to               exceptional               athletes               and               greater               freedom               for               students               to               profit               from               their               labor               such               as               product               endorsements.
               Should               College               Football               be               Banned?
               This               is               probably               the               most               controversial               topic.

There               have               been               very               substantial               debates               of               eliminating               college               football               from               universities.

The               reasons               tend               to               hinge               on               health               issues,               corruption,               and               academic               relevancy.

While               there               doesn't               exist               a               serious               effort               for               universities               across               the               nation               to               eliminate               their               football               programs,               it               is               often               speculated               as               to               what               influence               or               lack               thereof               that               football               program               have               on               institutions               of               higher               learning.

Where               there               is               little               debate               is               that               universities               with               winning               football               teams               are               better               known.

This               can               lead               to               better               non-public               based               funding,               higher               number               of               applicants,               stronger               alumni               contributors.

For               the               near               future,               college               football               is               here               to               study.

It               is               a               unique               American               tradition               of               social               solidarity,               even               in               a               country               has               a               long               history               of               being               divided.

Image of auburn university dorms

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auburn university dorms

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auburn university dorms

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auburn university dorms

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auburn university dorms

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    auburn university dorms

    About 'auburn college of business'|There's No Business Like SEC College Football Business, As Tim Tebow Wows Again

    About 'auburn college of business'|There's No Business Like SEC College Football Business, As Tim Tebow Wows Again

    Cam               Newton,               Auburn               University's               electric               quarterback               and               clear               cut               favorite               to               win               the               Heisman               Trophy,               has               bludgeoned               defenses               throughout               the               South               Eastern               Conference               with               his               legs               and               his               arm               since               arriving               from               junior               college.

    Of               course,               in               today's               sports,               there               can               never               be               a               feel               good               story.

    There's               rarely               a               transcendent               athlete               that               doesn't               come               without               scandal               or               baggage.

    We're               discovering               hourly               that               Newton               has               all               the               baggage               in               the               world.

    And               maybe,               just               maybe,               his               family               now               has               all               the               money               it               would               take               to               have               all               that               baggage               checked.

    Whether               feeling               scorned               for               missing               out               on               an               incredible               talent,               or               simply               taking               the               moral               high               ground               in               a               system               where               the               moral               high               ground               reaches               ant               hill               heights,               Mississippi               State               has               claimed               that               Newton               chose               not               to               go               to               school               there               because               Newton's               father               told               them               there               would               be               a               price.

    A               steep               price.

    It               came               out               November               10               on               espn.com               that               Auburn               allegedly               met               all               or               part               of               that               price.

    It               also               seems,               if               any               or               all               of               this               is               true,               that               Newton               is               a               victim               of               a               family               member               looking               out               for               No.


    Sadly,               again               if               this               story               is               true,               a               father               chose               himself               over               his               son.
                   This               shouldn't               surprise               anyone.

    It's               one               of               dozens               of               similar               stories               that               have               surfaced               in               a               media               storm               that               never               slows               down.

    The               days               of               back               room               deals               and               shadily               bought               scholarships               are               nearing               an               end.

    Sooner               or               later               it               seems               everything               gets               uncovered.

    In               today's               Blackberry-driven,               computer               crazy               age               there               are               thousands               of               media               outlets.

    If               the               big               boys               from               ESPN               aren't               digging               up               the               dirt,               Internet               blogs               like               Deadspin               specialize               in               finding               the               crumbs               that               athletes               sweep               under               the               rug.

    Even               sports               these               days               are               tabloid.

    Stories               are               bought               and               sold               for               a               price.

    TMZ               even               dips               its               crooked               but               ever               watchful               eye               toward               athletes.

    And               why               wouldn't               they?

    Sports,               now               more               than               ever,               are               entertainment.
                   This               isn't               about               whether               indiscretions               have               taken               place.

    This               story               needs               to               shift               gears.

    It               needs               to               be               about               action.

    It               needs               to               be               about               changing               a               system               with               dirty               little               secrets               hiding               behind               just               about               every               major               college               football               and               basketball               program,               and               probably               some               other               sports               as               well.

    Between               Newton,               the               Reggie               Bush               USC               scandal,               the               North               Carolina               University               defense,               and               former               sports               agent               www.usatoday.com/sports/college/football/2010-10-12-sports-illustrated-luchs-agent-paid-players_N.htm"Josh               Luchs'               story               of               paying               dozens               and               dozens               of               college               football               players               throughout               the               90s,               it's               apparent               that               this               snowball               is               rolling.

    In               today's               media,               when               a               snowball               starts               rolling               it               rarely               stops.
                   So               who's               responsible?

    Are               the               players               responsible               for               policing               themselves               and               their               families?

    We're               getting               into               some               serious               morality               issues               here.

    I               had               a               friend               who               in               the               early               90s               was               sought               by               every               major               college               football               program               in               the               nation.

    His               five               official               visits               were               Penn               State,               Miami,               Alabama,               USC               and               Notre               Dame.

    If               you               know               anything               about               college               football,               you               know               after               reading               those               five               names               that               he               was               highly               coveted.

    He               was               never               offered               any               money,               and               if               he               were,               knowing               his               family,               he               would               have               stricken               that               school               off               his               list.

    But               through               that               limited               sample,               it               occurs               to               me               that               these               demands               come               from               the               players               and               their               families,               and               with               turned               heads               they               are               referred               to               a               guy               who               knows               a               guy               who               knows               the               booster               that               will               make               those               demands               come               true.

    It's               an               ignorance               is               bliss               process,               and               that's               just               the               recruiting               half.

    We               won't               extend               this               article               a               dozen               paragraphs               talking               about               agents               pining               after               these               players               while               they're               in               school.
                   All               of               this               begs               the               question:               would               paying               college               athletes               help               quell               this               activity?

    Would               it               help               the               athlete               coming               from               distressed               financial               situations               convince               their               greedy               or               desperate               parents               and               uncles               and               pastors               to               ease               off               and               let               their               favorite               athlete               get               by               on               a               stipend               coming               from               the               school?

    The               answer               to               this               question               is               no.

    It               will               never               be               enough.

    There               are               people               in               this               world               who               will               always               want               more               and               a               small               stipend               from               a               school               will               not               stop               improprieties               when               dollar               values               like               $200,000               (in               the               Newton               case)               are               being               discussed.
                   If               you               pay               the               college               football               player,               or               basketball               player,               does               the               women's               swim               team               athlete               get               the               same?

    Would               it               be               broken               down               in               correlation               to               the               revenue               that               the               individual               sport               brings               in?

    And               if               that's               the               case,               does               the               Tulsa               Golden               Hurricane               get               the               same               amount               of               stipend               as               the               Miami               Hurricane?

    What               about               a               starter               as               opposed               to               a               bench               player?

    Should               Cam               Newton               get               more               than               the               senior               scholarship               kicker               who               just               lost               his               job               because               he               missed               his               last               four               extra               points?
                   Sure,               there               is               money               to               go               around.

    College               athletics               and               the               NCAA               are               a               billion               dollar               business.

    And               let's               call               a               spade               a               spade,               it               is               nothing               but               a               business.

    All               of               education               is.

    But               some               businesses               are               more               powerful               than               others.

    If               the               stipends               allocated               to               players               on               one               NCAA               team               are               more               than               others               based               on               some               sort               of               power               structure,               then               you'll               have               agents               going               after               these               kids               in               high               school               and               suddenly               the               New               York               Yankees               of               college               football               are               born               because               that's               where               the               money               is.
                   There               are               no               clear               cut               answers               to               this               issue,               but               here               is               mine.

    The               NCAA               investigative               team               can               not               keep               up               with               every               issue.

    There               is               pressure.

    When               something               hits               the               news               wires               and               becomes               a               story,               those               investigators               are               forced               to               deal               with               that               issue               and               everything               else               goes               to               the               back               burner.

    By               the               time               they               find               out               Johnny               Appleseed               took               a               tractor               for               his               daddy's               farm               and               got               some               cash               from               an               agent               to               keep               him               going               through               college               with               the               promise               of               signing               with               him               later,               Johnny               is               in               his               5th               NFL               season               and               getting               ready               to               sign               a               multi-million               dollar               contract               extension.
                   Take               every               dollar               that               anyone               ever               thought               to               allocate               in               a               plan               that               included               paying               players               and               reissue               that               money               to               grow               the               investigative               department               of               the               NCAA.

    Currently,               teams               take               the               brunt               of               the               punishment               when               indiscretions               occur.

    USC               is               currently               paying               for               Reggie               Bush's               actions.

    Why               is               it               a               senior               o-lineman               at               USC's               problem               that               some               kid               who               left               school               four               years               ago               took               money?

    It's               completely               unfair               to               the               kids               doing               it               right.
                   Agents               need               to               be               punished               first.

    Three               year               complete               suspension               of               any               dealings               with               the               NFL               if               one               violation               is               proven.

    Ten               years               for               a               second.

    Lifetime               ban               for               a               third.

    Nobody               will               sign               with               an               agent               that               can't               negotiate               their               contract               for               them.
                   After               that,               it's               on               the               players               themselves.

    These               problems               are               not               going               to               go               away,               but               there               needs               to               be               something               in               place               to               deter               a               player               or               his               family               to               take               money               and               gifts.

    Detriments               such               as               a               3-year               suspension               from               the               NFL               before               the               player               even               goes               to               his               first               training               camp               if               that               player               is               proven               guilty               of               a               base               level               violation               with               the               NCAA.
                   I               would               like               to               watch               college               football               again               without               having               to               hear               these               incessant               stories.

    I               would               like               kids,               and               that's               what               they               are,               be               allowed               to               be               kids               again,               to               have               a               college               experience               without               the               big               business               pressure.

    The               backdrop               of               the               upcoming               Alabama-Auburn               game               shouldn't               be               whether               any               of               it               is               going               to               mean               anything               if               Cam               Newton               isn't               eligible.

    But               sadly,               we               know               what               the               big               story               that               day               will               be.

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    If               you               are               a               punk               rock               band               or               musician               and               have               a               new               CD               out               that               you               want               to               send               out               to               radio               stations               for               airplay,               your               best               bet               is               to               find               some               good               college               or               alternative               radio               stations               that               either               play               punk               rock               music               or               at               least               have               a               regular               punk               rock               show.

    It               can               be               time               consuming               searching               the               internet               checking               out               radio               stations               websites,               formats               and               programs,               but               since               I               have               just               recently               done               the               same               thing               myself               for               my               own               band's               new               punk               rock               disc,               I               am               willing               to               share               with               you               my               list               of               over               thirty               good               punk               rock               radio               stations               to               mail               your               punk               rock               CDs               to               for               airplay.

    These               are               the               best               of               the               bunch               that               I've               found               on               internet               searches,               and               these               are               all               REAL               radio               stations,               NOT               internet               stations...

    the               list               contains               all               the               information               you               need               as               far               as               who               to               send               it               to               and               the               full               mailing               address.

    I               assembled               this               list               in               2009,               so               most               if               not               all               of               these               should               still               be               good,               although               it               is               always               a               good               idea               to               run               a               google               search               to               make               sure               the               particular               punk               rock               shows               I've               mentioned               are               still               on               the               air.

    I               have               also               included               some               extra               information               on               some               listings               as               to               which               particular               stations               or               programs               gave               my               band               some               good               airplay.

    Most               of               these               stations               played               the               CD               I               mailed               them               at               least               once               and               all               of               these               radio               stations               are               taking               CD               submissions.

    One               pointer:               include               a               "one               sheet"               with               each               CD               you               mail               off               --               take               the               shrink               wrap               off               each               CD               and               fold               up               the               one               sheets               inside               the               jewel               case.

    Also,               place               a               small               sticker               (you               can               print               these               out               on               regular               mailing               labels)               on               your               CD               noting               the               top               two               or               three               songs               for               radio               airplay               --               the               "hits!"
                   This               list               is               in               no               real               order,               but               being               that               I               live               in               Seattle               I               am               listing               the               Seattle               area               radio               stations               first:               
                   (NOTE:               the               best               way               to               view               this               list               is               in               "single               page"               mode)
                   GARAGE               MONKEY               
                   C/O               FUNKY               MONKEY               104.9               FM               
                   351               Elliot               Ave.



                   Seattle,               WA               98119
                   Notes:               Garage               Monkey               is               the               "local               music"               show               on               this               Seattle               area               radio               station,               and               they               play               all               types               of               alternative               music               including               punk               rock.

    If               you               live               in               Washington               State               this               is               a               good               one               to               send               to.
                   Sonic               Reducer               /               Brian               Foss               
                   KEXP               90.3               FM               
                   113               Dexter               Ave.


                   Seattle,               WA               
                   Notes:               Sonic               Reducer               is               an               excellent               punk               rock               show               that               airs               three               hours               each               Saturday               night.

    They               play               nothing               but               punk               rock               and               will               very               likely               play               your               submission               (if               it               is               punk!)
                   1077               The               End/KNDD               
                   Attn:               Locals               Only               
                   1100               Olive               Way               
                   Suite               1650               
                   Seattle,               WA               98101
                   Notes:               Another               "local               music"               program               on               Seattle's               'alternative"               station.

    They               do               play               punk               rock               so               if               you               are               in               Washington               State               you               oughtta               send               them               a               disc.
                   KGRG               C/O               GRCC               (Green               river               CC)               
                   12401               SE               320th               Street               
                   Auburn,               WA               98092-3699
                   Notes:               Supposedly               this               college               radio               station               plays               almost               entirely               alternative               and               punk               rock               music.
                   attn:               Darwin               Sharrah               
                   1308               Coolidge               Rd               
                   Aberdeen,               WA               98520
                   Notes:               This               is               a               small               radio               station               in               Aberdeen,               WA               and               Darwin               Sharrah               deejays               the               "local               music"               show               and               plays               alternative               and               punk               rock.
                   KSCU               103.3FM               /               THE               THRASH               ATTACK!

                   Contact               Name:               Naked               Rob               
                   500               El               Camino               Real#3207               
                   Santa               Clara,               California               US               
                   Notes:               The               "Thrash               Attack"               is               a               very               excellent               and               long               running               punk               rock               radio               show               djayed               by               Naked               Rob               in               San               Francisco.

    This               is               a               very               good               one               to               mail               a               disc               to.

    Naked               Rob               requests               that               you               include               a               bio               with               your               submission.
                   KAOS               Olympia               Community               Radio               
                   The               Evergreen               State               College               -               CAB               301,               2700               Evergreen               Parkway               
                   Olympia,               Washington               US               
                   Notes:               KAOS               89.3fm               is               a               community               radio               station               run               in               Evergreen               State               College               in               Olympia,               WA.

    Each               music               show               plays               at               least               80%               independent               music               including               a               good               dose               of               punk.
                   WUSB               90.1FM               
                   Attn:               Punk/RnR               Music               Director               
                   Student               Union               Building,               S.U.N.Y.

    at               Stony               Brook               
                   Stony               Brook,               New               York               US               
                   Notes:               Long               Island's               largest               non-commercial               radio               station               with               several               punk               and               related               shows.

    A               good               one               to               send               to!
                   Attn:               "Undercurrents"               show               
                   27               Stewart               Hall               

    Cloud,               MN               56301-4498
                   Notes:               Undercurrents               is               a               long               running               punk               rock               show               on               KVSC               (since               1994)               They               play               a               wide               variety,               but               mainly               punk               rock               related               .
                   WNYU               Radio               
                   Attn:               Crucial               Chaos               
                   5-11               Universtiy               Pl.

                   New               York,               NY               10003
                   Notes:               Crucial               Chaos               is               the               punk               rock/hardcore               radio               program               on               WNYU.
                   Attn:               loud               rock               MD               
                   PO               BOX               751-KPSU/VG               
                   Portland,               OR               97207
                   Notes:               The               Loud               Rock               Music               Director               is               the               one               taking               the               punk               rock               CDs.
                   90.3               fm               THE               CORE               
                   Attn:               Music               Director               
                   Livingston               Student               Center               Suite               117               
                   84               Joyce               Kilmer               Avenue               
                   Piscataway,               NJ               08854
                   Notes:               A               New               Jersey               college               station               that               plays               a               wide               variety               including               punk               rock.
                   WCDB               90.9               FM               
                   University               at               Albany               
                   Campus               Center               316               
                   1400               Washington               Avenue               
                   Albany,               NY               12222
                   WBNY               91.3               FM               
                   1300               Elmwood               Avenue               
                   Buffalo,               NY               14222
                   KCSC               Student               Radio               
                   CSU,               Chico               
                   Chico,               CA               
                   Attn:               Music               Director               
                   One               LMU               Dr               
                   Los               Angeles,               CA               90045
                   KDVS               90.3               FM               
                   ATTN:               TROTSKY"               
                   14               Lower               Freeborn               
                   Davis,               CA               95616
                   Notes:               Trotsky               is               the               music               director               in               charge               of               Punk               Rock               at               KDVS.
                   WMHB               89.7FM,               
                   Attn:               Music               Director               (punk)               
                   4000               Mayflower               Hill,               
                   Waterville,               Maine               04901
                   Notes:               Make               sure               you               send               it               to               the               punk               music               director,               as               it               is               listed               in               the               address.
                   WMNF               88.5               FM               Community               Radio               
                   1210               E.

    Martin               Luther               King               Blvd.

                   Tampa,               FL               33603-4417
                   Notes:               This               station               loved               my               own               band's               new               CD               so               much               they               actually               put               it               in               rotation!
                   KCPR               91.3fm               
                   Attn:               Music               Director               
                   Graphic               Arts               Building               26,               Room               301               
                   Cal               Poly               State               University               
                   San               Luis               Obispo,               CA               93407
                   512               E.

    Green               St.

                   Champaign,               IL               61820
                   WBRS               100.1FM               
                   (               attn:               PUNK               music               coordinator               )               
                   Brandeis               University               
                   Shapiro               Campus               Center               
                   415               South               Street               
                   Waltham,               MA               02453-2728
                   Attn:               Music               Dep't               
                   2130               Fulton               St.

                   SF,               CA               94117
                   WREK               91.1               FM               
                   350               Ferst               Drive               NW,               Suite               2224               
                   Atlanta,               GA               30332-0630
                   WMBR               Radio               
                   Attn:               Music               Director               
                   3               Ames               Street               
                   Cambridge,               MA               02142
                   Notes:               "late               risers               club"               and               "breakfast               of               champions"               programs               both               play               punk.

    This               station               also               gave               my               band               a               ton               of               airplay
                   WESN               88.1               FM               
                   Attn:               Music               Director               (loud               rock)               
                   PO               Box               2900               
                   Bloomington               IL               61702
                   WJCU               RADIO               
                   ATTN:               Music               Director               
                   20700               North               Park               Blvd.

                   University               Heights,               OH               44118               
                   United               States
                   Notes:               the               punk               show               here               is               called               "music               to               break               things               to"...

    my               band               received               good               airplay               here.
                   KKFI               FM               
                   (attn:               the               ROCKER)               
                   PO               Box               32250               
                   Kansas               City,               MO               64171
                   Notes::               "The               Rocker"               is               the               loud               rock/punk               show               and               they               also               played               my               band's               CD.
                   KUCI               88.9               FM               
                   PO               Box               4362               
                   Irvine,               CA               92616
                   92               WICB               
                   118               Park               Hall               
                   Ithaca               College               
                   Ithaca,               NY               14850
                   WVYC               Radio               
                   York               College               of               Pennsylvania               
                   339               Country               Club               Road               
                   York,               PA               17405-7199
                   90.3               WMSC-FM               
                   Attn:               Music               Director               
                   Student               Center               Annex               Rm.

                   Montclair               State               University               
                   Upper               Montclair,               NJ               07043
                   WKDU               91.7               FM               
                   Attn:               classics               from               outer               space               
                   3210               Chestnut               Street               
                   Philadelphia               PA               19104
                   Notes:               "Classics               from               outer               space"               is               the               program               that               plays               the               punk               rock               on               WKDU
                   And               lastly,               here               is               one               internet               radio               station               that               is               worth               mailing               a               disc               to               (or               go               to               mohawkradio.com               and               upload               your               tracks):

                   10862               Coronel               Rd               "B"               
                   Santa               Ana,               CA               92705

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